Tuesday 15 October 2013

My Journey with the Elizabethans - Using Egg Whites

During the Elizabethan era, they used lots of weird and wonderful things on their face to do things to their skin such as tighten it.  In our seminar this week, we had a workshop called 'Base application to the Extreme'.  In this seminar, we looked at some of the products that Elizabethan women would have used on their face and we then got the chance to have a go ourselves.  We were using egg whites and tempura powder on the face, as this was a common thing for Elizabethan's to do.  They used to use this to tighten the skin, creating a sort of face mask.
We began by applying just two layers of the egg whites to the face and it made my face feel really tight as it dried.  We then mixed a small amount of the tempura powder into the egg whites and applied another layer with that combined.  It was interesting, because when I took the mixture off of  my face, my skin did feel really smooth, as if I had just had a face mask on.  Applying the mixture evenly to the face was quite tricky.  I found that the powder clumped in some areas of the face where it dried quicker than other areas.  On the left is an image of my model with the egg whites and powder on her face.  Unfortunately it doesn't show up as well in the picture, as I didn't have enough powder within my egg whites to make it stand out more.
I really enjoyed this session and I found it a good insight as to how the Elizabethan's worked with the things that they had available to them to try and keep their skin beautiful.  When we were first told that we would be having egg whites on our faces, I didn't think that I would enjoy it, however it was really fun.

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