Tuesday 29 October 2013

The New Elizabethans - As seen through Fashion, Hair and Make-Up

Edward Bond ‘The Third Crisis: Drama and Civilization ’
“The first Elizabethan age ended with the discovery of brave new worlds (and incidentally the joining up of the United Kingdom). We are certainly on the edge of vast new unprecedented worlds, cosmic changes in culture, economy and society (and ironically the possible dissolution of the United Kingdom). But are our new worlds brave, cowardly, explorative or degenerative? It could be said the old Elizabethans plundered the new worlds. Perhaps now we can only plunder ourselves and call it trade."

In response to the above quote, I researched some public figures that I feel represent the idea of a New Elizabethan age through their fashion, hair and make-up styling.

Beyoncé's recent The Mrs Carter Show World Tour is a perfect example of a new Elizabethan fashion.  The styling that she used to portray herself was a very contemporary idea of an Elizabethan themed look.  Her paler than usual skin tone and rouged lips and cheeks replicate the iconic idea of an Elizabethan make-up and her hair is also done in an up style, which was also a classic look during the Elizabethan era.  Beyoncé's high neck collar is a modern interpretation of the Elizabethan fashion, as they always had big ruffs and collars surrounding their necks.  Overall, I think that Beyoncé's look here can be easily defined as a new Elizabethan, with the fact that she has taken some of the most iconic make-up and fashion styling from the era and used them to portray herself as 'Queen of the World' to advertise her tour.  The colours that Beyoncé has chosen to wear are those that would have been worn by the higher class civilians of society, portraying again the idea that she is a powerful woman.
Beyoncé is also a New Elizabethan in the fact that a lot of teens and women around the world look up to her as a style icon.  This is similar to how many women of the Elizabethan era looked up to Queen Elizabeth for style inspiration when making themselves up.

Another New Elizabethan as seen through fashion, hair and make-up would have to be Kate Middleton.  Her style is not very Elizabethan at all, however she is a style icon to many women, especially in Britain.  Kate's style is always very sophisticated in a modern way, as Elizabeth's was  during the era.  She also makes her looks very accessible to others, through shopping in a lot of high street stores.  Also through wearing more subtle make-up, Kate makes herself appear more relatable to everyday women unlike celebrities such as Lady Gaga, who try to be wild and 'out there' so as to separate themselves from the rest of the public.  I think that Kate Middleton is a very different style icon to Beyoncé, yet nonetheless still a New Elizabethan through her inspirational styling that so many women try to imitate.


Other examples of a new Elizabethan age within fashion, hair and make-up can be found through contemporary make-up and fashion styling images.  The above are both great examples as they replicate and use the classic pale face and darker lip look.  In the second image, the idea is taken further here with the styling of the big ruff on the dress.  Both styles have again considered the colours that they have used and what they would have represented in the original Elizabethan era.

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